WB•Koester Wins ICA Safety Award

Indiana Construction Association (ICA) chooses WB-Koester Construction a Gold Summit Award Winner for Civil Construction Category.

Organized by the ICA Safety Steering Committee, construction companies from around the state competed in 8 categories based on contractor size and the type of construction each performed.  WB-Koester Construction was chosen as a Gold Summit Award winner in the Highway, Heavy, and Utility Prime Contractor Under 300,000 Onsite Hours Category.

This award is quite an honor for WB-Koester Construction. To be recognized with this award (based on our labor’s survey responses) is an indication that WBK’s safety program is well understood by company personnel as well as the skilled tradesmen we employ. Last year this same award was given to the Weddle Brothers Highway Group. This illustrates that our safety program is part of the culture at all Weddle Brothers Companies
— Greg Head, VP, WB•Koester Construction
Pictured above from left to right: Lori Torres, Commissioner of the Indiana Department of Labor, Pete Isom, Gregory A. Head, Harold Force, President of the ICA

Pictured above from left to right: Lori Torres, Commissioner of the Indiana Department of Labor, Pete Isom, Gregory A. Head, Harold Force, President of the ICA

ICA Safety Award Program

The ICA Safety Award Program recognizes general contractors, prime contractors, construction managers, and subcontractors for their commitment to excellence in employee and jobsite safety.  The ICA Safety Award Program is unique because it does not rely solely on the evaluation of statistics, checklists, and written safety documents.  Confidential onsite surveys are also used to evaluate the quality of each applicant’s safety program and how it is administered each day.

Safety Statistics: WB•Koester Construction, A Culture Of Safety

Safety Statistics: WB•Koester Construction, A Culture Of Safety

2012 2013 2014
Combined WBK & WBBG 0.77 0.71 0.73
Number of Incidents 0.00 1.00 0.00
TRIR 0.00 4.48 0.00
Number of Incidents 0.00 0.00 0.00
DART 0.00 0.00 0.00


*Approximate US Construction Industry Average


*Approximate US Construction Industry Average


*Approximate US Construction Industry Average

WB-Koester is MICCS Qualified
* National average data sourced from industry reports from bls.gov